18. kattaus: Raputarjoiluidea / 18th Setting: Idea for serving crayfish

Ensimmäiset rapujuhlat on jo tänä kesänä vietetty (scroll down for English post). Kälyni Kirsi tarjoili ihanat ravut innovatiivisesti kolmikerrostarjoiluastiasta, jota käytetään tyypillisesti pikkuleipien ja leivosten esillepanoon. Jämäkkyyttä rakennelma sai lisätarjottimesta.
Tällä viikolla julkaisen blogissa lisää rapujuhla-aiheisia postauksia. 

This year's first crayfish parties have been celebrated. My sister-in-law Kirsi served the crayfish imaginatively from a tray of three floors. The tray is typicly used for serving cookies and pastries. Also an extra tray under the tray of three floors was needed for this purpose.
More cray fish party posts coming this week. Cray fish parties are quite common in Finland and Sweden. Crayfish time is from the end of July 'til the beginning of September. The crayfish is served as first course and eaten with toast. For extra dishes there is for example pie or shrimp soup. People also drink and sing while eating in crayfish parties.
